Thank you for visiting my website.
All photos on show were taken by myself and cannot be purchased anywhere else in the world.
All can be purchased in a variety of sizes, please enquire for price and availability.
To look at the pics, please choose a subject (landscape, live music or wildlife) then choose one of the pages in that catergory which will then take you to a set of photos, click on any photo to see an enlargement of that photo.
I really got into photography a bit later in life (nearly 50) but soon got the bug. At present i own 2 Canon 5d mark 2 cameras, complete with a variety of lenses, and also a Sony 6400 mirrorless camera fitted with a Sony 200- 600mm 5.6-6.3 lens for all my wildlife photography.
I am also available for exhibitions, so if there is anywhere in your area that you think may be suitable, please contact me. Take a look at the video below of an exhibition that i did in Felixstowe a while back, it will give you some idea of what i do. Thank you.